School Principal Message

Parents' involvement in their children education is absolutely essential to their eventual success. Surprisingly enough, the result of every student done in the last two decades about what affects a child's success in school concludes that only one factor overwhelmingly affects it every time, parental involvement. Not the size of the school, the number of science labs, the size of library of how many great teachers there are! But none is as significant as the effect parents can have Be on the lookout for common signs of stress such as trouble sleeping, emotional mood changer, lose of appetite, skin ailments, and stomach upset. Be patient, controlled and calm in the run up to examinations. Anxiety is infectious. Make sure there is place available at home where the student can work alone or wherever he likes with confidence. Make it clear that your son or daughter is valued for reasons entirely unconnected with academic progress.Praise commitment as well as success and try to put the examination in perspective. Show interest in their achievements outside school work also. Avoid offering rewards such as money, clothes or cars Young people may feel that they are being manipulated, and it might stop them developing intrest in the subject for its own mistake. So lets join hands and make a difference !